A Connected Farm, part 2 - Remote Controlled Fence ⚡️
This article again covers a topic related to my wife’s family farm, but this time, instead of exporting milking data to Grafana, I will detail my usage of Michael Stapelberg’s amazing gokrazy project, which made it possible to reliably develop Go software to control fences around the farm. Fences and Cows 🐄 The farm is distributed on 2 sites, and on each site there are rather long electric fences, in which the cows happily pasture during the day (and for the heifer’s fence, also during the night). To prevent the cows from escaping the fences and e.g. eat our neighbour’s grass (which is always greener, as we all know), the fences are electrified ⚡️ with high voltage (6000V) impulsions every second. ...